Interplay Counseling Services provides individual and whole family therapy for a variety of emotional, behavioral, and situational challenges. We specialize in treating anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma related issues as well as provide support for caregivers, relationship conflict, underlying issues leading to addiction (including video games), speech and performance anxieties, ADHD and learning disability support and advocacy, and more.

Call or email to schedule your first appointment. In your message on our secure voicemail or email, please include the age of the client, the general circumstances, and your insurance plan. Information about how you were referred to us is always welcome. This website, email, and our communications are secure and HIPAA-compliant for your privacy and protection.
During your first session, your counselor will gather some background information and establish your reason for coming in. Please fill out intake forms (available here) before your first appointment. We are currently working to make forms fillable online. Until then, forms that require your signature will need a hard copy; the others are available as smart forms which you can complete and email. We will discuss the best way to send forms, a copy of your photo ID, and insurance card if applicable. Please be sure when filling out forms to date and sign them on the date of your first appointment.
At the first session for children, parent or parents are asked to meet alone. That way your counselor can gather necessary information and background and parents can have their questions answered but this often leaves little time for the child. Sometimes content during this initial session that may not be appropriate for the child to hear, and a positive first impression is important.
Adolescents are encouraged to meet with a parent or parents for the initial intake session. It is very important that the adolescent client be given the respect of being included in the first session, even if they are reluctant and resistant to the idea of engaging in psychotherapy.
Adult clients usually meet alone, though if you wish you may bring someone along to help you with the process if that makes you more comfortable.
Payment is due at the time of service. We also accept insurance and are contracted with a variety of insurance plans. Clients should check with their insurance company to ensure coverage. Payments from your bank account can be made via Instamed; your account number is your name.
We use a several therapeutic techniques including talk therapy, EMDR, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), experiential therapy, art therapy, and play therapy. Not all techniques work for everyone; we’ll find the method that’s right for you. We treat all age ranges from children to teens to adults.
Learn about our counselors, fill out forms for your first appointment, or contact us now. We look forward to connecting with you!